A video posted on Twitter Friday claimed that Muslims were “celebrating” in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the Champs-Elysees in Paris which left one person dead on the night of Thursday, 20th of April. The claim is false.
In the video, we see a group of men celebrating, some standing on a statue. The author assures us that they “celebrating” the terrorist attack that took the life of a policeman and was claimed by the Islamic State group.
The video was posted by Paul Golding, the leader of Britain First – a far-right British political organization.
It is actually a group of Pakistanis in London – on the outskirts of Tooting Broadway, southwest of the British capital – celebrating a victory for Pakistan in a cricket match in 2009. The video was posted on YouTube on June 22, 2009:
[Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AActlAp7Ow]
After being alerted by several Internet users, Paul Golding finally deleted his tweet on Friday night.