Did AFP add François Asselineau to its list of presidential candidates? - CrossCheck

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Did AFP add François Asselineau to its list of presidential candidates?

Partisans of François , a member of the UPR (Republican Popular Union), shared an infographic on Twitter purportedly originating from Agence France-Presse (AFP) that showed Asselineau amongst the principal runners in the French presidential election.  

The image tweeted edited in image-editing software. It did not come from AFP.

The infographic places François Asselineau as one of the main candidates in the French presidential election of 2017. The infographic however had nothing to do with AFP. It is an edit of AFP’s original infographic in which Asselineau does not appear.

Screenshot of the tweet (http://archive.is/otP1Z)

The image of the edited infographic looks like a low-resolution screenshot. The font used used under François Asselineau’s photograph is also different to that used for the other candidates.

Contacted by CrossCheck, AFP declared: “An AFP watermark (which appears highlighted on the infographic in the tweet) is added when we post an infographic on the web or on social networks. It is a copyright for the content that we diffuse for free on networks, as opposed to what we sell to our media clients. This watermark proves that the fake version is a montage made from one of AFP’s infographics.”

Original infographic (AFP)

Agence-France-Presse shared the original infographic with CrossCheck. This infographic was used by several media outlets – such as Challenges; François Asselineau does not appear in it.

Editorial note: AFP is a CrossCheck partner.